JCI 2022 I May, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th I Faculty of pharmacy, Amphi Laustriat, Illkirch
- scientific meeting to allow researchers to meet, discuss and initiate collaborations.
- you are a young researcher, present a talk or a poster!
- prizes will reward the two best communications and posters.
> Plenary session, Monday, May 23rd 2pm: Human/Machine Symbiosis and Artificial Intelligence,
Dr. Laurent Bougrain, Deep learning and transfer learning for recognition of motor brain electrical activity.
Head of the Neurorhythms team from LORIA, Lorraine University/CNRS
Pr. Bernard Bayle, Evolutions of robotics in recent years. From human friendly robots to AI.
Head of the Robotics, Data science and Healthcare technologies team from ICube, Strasbourg University/CNRS
Pr. Antoine Cornuéjols, Does the brain have a role in Artificial Intelligence?
Head of the Learning and INtegration of Knowledge research team from UMR MIA Paris AgroParisTech-INRA
followed by a debate and a festive get-together
> Conferences of two invited young tenured scientists
May, Monday 23rd, 9am : Dr Thomas Hureau, Muscle-Brain interaction during exercise: The pivotal role of afferent feedback.
Prix Espoirs de l'université de Strasbourg 2021, CEERIPE Strasbourg
May, Tuesday 24th, 9am : Dr Nadège Vernet, Spermatogenesis in all its states: The journey of a “young” researcher.
Médaille de bronze CNRS 2021, IGBMC, Strasbourg
> Conferences of young researchers